ZTCHoldings deploys its layout based on the new generation information technology industry,gives full play to ZTE Corporation's 5G pioneering advantages, continues to increase its investment in the 5G supply chain, and makes a foray into the enterprise-level services and other fields.
[ZVIT was set up]
Shenzhen ZVIT Technology Co.,Ltd. was established to deploy in the field of "Al + Industry", marking the group's business was expanded into the area of intelligent manufacturing.
[A global leader in 5G technology]
ZTE's commercial network practices for 5G key technologies remain industry-leading and can provide complete end-to-end 5G solutions,indicating its leading position of 5G technology in the world.
[Zhongxing New Cloud was set up]
Shenzhen Zhongxing New Cloud Service Co., Ltd. was established, dedicated to providing financial sharing consulting and system services to large enterprise groups, marking the group's business expansion into the field of enterprise digitalization.
[ZSET was set up]
Zhongxing Selion Electromechanical Technology Co., Ltd. was established, becoming a powerful supplement to the group's communication industry chain.
[The total assets of ZTCHoldings exceeded 100 billion yuan]
[ZEVC was set up]
The establishment of ZEVC Investment Management Co., Ltd. marks the establishment of the fund investment business system, complementing the group's direct investment business. When combined together, the two
businesses can jointly facilitate the rapid development of the group's equity investment and capital operation.
[PYLONTECH was set up]
Pylon Technologies Co., Ltd. was established, marking the beginning for ZTCHoldings to usher into the field of new energy.
[ZTE issued IPO on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange]
ZTE 's H shares were successfully listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange, further expanding ZTCHoldings ' international influence.
[SINDi and Sinyee were established]
As Sindi Technologies Co., Ltd. and Shenzhen Xinyu Tengyue Electronics Co., Ltd. were established, ZTCHoldings improved its layout of the upstream supply chain in the communication industry.
[ZTE issued IPO on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange]
ZTE Corporation (SZ000063, ZTE Corporation), launched by ZTCHoldings, was successfully listed on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange, and ZTCHoldings' communications business achieved rapid development with support from the capital market.
[Identified as a key high-tech enterprise of the National Torch Plan]
ZHONGXINGXIN TELECOM Co., LTD.was established as one of the 520 key state-owned enterprises determined by theState Council.
Shenzhen Zhongxing Semiconductor Co., Ltd. was set up (predecessor of ZTCHoldings).